In Yoga, we look at health through an Ayervedic lense; AYERVEDA is a Sanskrit word meaning
‘The Science of Life’
Derived from the words ‘Ayus’, meaning Life and ‘Veda’ meaning ‘Science’, Ayerveda is an effective medical system used over some 3000 years, Ayerveda aims to understand each persons unique natural make up;and how specific foods, plants, practicises and lifestyle practices can benefit individuals depending on their natura balance of elements.
main principle of Ayerveda:
The Elements
Ayervedas main principle of understanding is through the 5 elements known as;
Pancamahabhutas ;
Space, Air, Fire, Water & Earth
Auerveda understands these elements manifest in the body, earth, spirit, and universe, as three basic ‘constitutions’ or ‘types’ of energy known as
Doshas :
Vata - Space & Air
Pitta - Fire & Water
Kapha - Earth & Water
We all have one, or two dominant Doshas! We can look at the dosha system like a map of our own specific elemental make up, or blueprint and therefore understand when we are out of balance, why we are and how to support balance again.
Thriving health results when the doshas are in balance,
and dis-ease when the doshas are unbalanced.
Learn about your Dosha, or Elemental Blueprint by doing the quiz below!
We all have a deep connection with the elements, they teach us a lot about ourselves on an emotional and physical level. The Doshas govern the creation, maintenance and destruction of bodily tissues as well as the assimilation and elimination of enegy and emotions.
It still remains a favored form of health care in the Eastern world. Ayerveda comes from a hollistic approach that works to prevent illness and support thriving health for the unique individual. In Ayerveda, we get to understand ourself through nature, as we are nature.
Learn your dominant Dosha’s to find out;
Optimal H2O intake for Hydration for your type
Best skincare practices
Your nature / personality
Reommended hours for sleep (avoid undersleeping & oversleeping for your type)
Reccomended spices and herbs to bring your nature into balance
Areas your body holds tention, and how to help this
Ideal meal times and portions for your metabolism
Fragrances & plant allies to balance your mind and emotions
Yoga for your type
Meditations for your type
and so much more…